20 Eylül 2012 Perşembe

For all of you who thought the BGA Better Government Association is LEGIT...forget it!

So the BGA couldn't figure out who runs the blog so they pick on a duty disability cop hawking merchandise on the blog to make ends meet? Pretty strange if you ask me!And it is actually 12,000 viewers a day!By why let facts get in the way of a good story.

The BGA is out harassing the people who have ads on my blog and based on the phone calls I received the BGA is blaming the wrong people for this blog.

It appears with the billion dollar corruption business in Chicago the BGA is more concerned about a blog that was dedicated to revealing city, county, state and federal corruption more than the government corruption in itself. One would believe that the BGA is CONTROLLED by the corrupt Chicago elected officials. Otherwise why would they worry about a news related blog. Explains why the BGA never went after all the powerful corrupt officials in Chicago.

It's not good bye but it will be a new start with my computer operations based in another state. Keep coming back here for follow up information.....

And nothing pisses off the BGA more than wasting weeks on a blog story when the blog can't be found!

As to my cop buddy who was bothered by the BGA for advertising your products on my blog, God bless my friend... You did nothing wrong!

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